The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

JANUARY 17, 1934 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON 3 SOCIETY, CLUBS and MUSIC Edited by RoveDa Eyre, Phone 4883 Mrs. Frank Chapman Luncheon Hostess Mrs. Frank Chapman entertained the members of her contract bridge club and several additional guests at luncheon in.

her home on Fairmount hill Wednesday afternoon. Pastel tapers were used effectively on the luncheon table and about the rooms. Those bidden included Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Kenneth Perry, Mrs.

Richard Stolz and Mrs. James R. Humphrey, additional guests, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs.

John R. Caughell, Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. Don Pritchett, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs.

Wolcott Buren, Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mrs. Jerald Backstrand, Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Mrs. Rex Adolph and the hostess, Mrs.

Frank Chapman. Executive Board In Session Tuesday The executive board of the American Lutheran Ladies' Guild met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oscar Sedarstrom. Plans for the coming year were discussed. The Guild will be in charge of services each Sunday evening.

Miss Louise Miller, returned missionary from India, will speak next Sunday evening at 7:30 and numbers will be given by the women's chorus. Members of the executive board include Mrs. B. A. Kolbe, Mrs.

Claude H. Glenn, Mrs. John Dyrland, Mrs. P. W.

Eriksen, Mrs. Max Gehlhar, Mrs. A. G. Anderson, Mrs.

R. C. Arpke, Mrs. W. J.

Hagedorn, Mrs. C. C. White, Mrs. E.

J. Coward, Mrs. J. A. Sholseth, Mrs.

W. C. Claire, and Mrs. Oscar Sedarstrom. Encinitis Club Has Dinner The regular dinner meeting of the Encinitis club was held Tuesday evening at the YWCA.

Miss Kathryn Gunnell gave a most entertaining talk on some of the interesting points of photography. Special guests were Hattie Bratzel, Kathleen Engle, Irene Stover and Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher. Members present were Vivian Clark, Jessic Cooper, Mabel Currie, Betty Elofsen, Agnes Emmel, Alice Falk, Dorothy Franks, June Gaines, Mildred Judson, Bernadine Ledfors, Lenore Naegli, Leila Park, Anna Peters, Laura Phipps, Evelyn Poulsen, Helen Richardson, Esther Rickey, Muriel Rowe, Marie Shindler, Harriet Stimmel, Ruth Stoner, Bessie Tucker, Olga Gath, Gertrude Chamberlin and the counselor, Miss Nell Walker-Dietz Vows Exchanged Miss Anne Dietz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

E. H. Dietz and Burton Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.

E. Walker, were married in Portland Saturday afternoon, January 13. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Walker were dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. T. F. York in Portland. Upon the couples' return to Salem they were entertained at an informal reception at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Edward A. Robey on North Capitol street. Mr. and Mrs.

Walker will make their home in Salem. The Woman's Alliance of the Un- itarian church will meet in Emerson room Friday at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. E. M.

Wilbur of Berkeley, who is the houseguest of her sister, Mrs. F. A. Weil, will speak informally on "Poland, Rumania and Germany." Mrs. Wilbur recently returned from two years spent abroad.

HILLMAN'S DE LUXE Chocolate Divinity Cake Make tonight's dessert an event serve De Luxe Chocolate Divinity Cake it's light delicately spiced topped with a creamy chocolate icing. Made from a nationally famous Betty Crocker recipe, with only the very best ingredients. At Your Grocer's This Week Yours CHERRY CITY BAKING CO. Celebrate Birthdays With Gay Party The birthdays of Haddon Bond and John Tweedie were honored Saturday evening with a gay party at the Tweedie home. Cards and dancing were the diversions and at late hour supper was served informally.

Those bidden were Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Eberhardt, Toevs, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.

Wal- Carl Hultenberg, Mr. Mrs. William Mind and Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. William McRae, Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Haddon Bond and and Mrs. John Tweedie.

The new officers of Salem Rebekah lodge No. 1 and Chemeketa lodge No. 1 were jointly installed Wednesday evening by the district deputy president, Coral McNeill, of the Rebekahs and James Smith, of Chemeketa lodge. The hall was very beautifully decorated with greenery and puss*- Elsie Townsend and Gus Erickson acted AS the grand marshals. Evelyn Bremmer and U.

F. Neiderhouser the retiring noble grands. The new officers are Bessie W. Edwards, noble grand; Verda Olmstead, vicegrand; Eugenia Siegmund, recording secretary; Elsie Townsend, financial secretary; Lora McGee, treasurer; Ruth Harbaugh, warden; Daisy Hayden, conductor; Evelyn Heseman, chaplain; Ardona Pratt, O. Blanche Neimier, I.

Pearl Swanson, musician; Irviadene Hubbard, R. S. N. Myrtle McClay, L. S.

N. Ella Smith, R. S. V. Nettie Williamson, L.

S. V. Grace M. Taylor, sang the welcoming song. The grand officers were Edith McElroy and John Groves, grand wardens; Alma Henderson and Carl Engstrom, grand treasurers; Wilda Siegmund and Alvie Burns, grand secretaries; Josephine Erickson and Del Neiderhouser, R.

S. Jessie Beatty and Carl Lachelle, S. Ida Hochstetler and Tom McLeod, grand chaplains; Evelyn Naderman and Charles McElroy, grand musicians; Anna Hunsaker and Mr. Pratt, grand I. Jessie Moored and Mr.

Shusterowitz, grand G. Officers of Chemeketa lodge were J. C. Formick, N. L.

A. Sheeler, M. V. Amos Vass, secretary; W. Siegmund, treasurer; Glenn Moored, conductor; Mr.

Underwood, warden; Joe Beatty, chaplain; William Moses, I. B. F. Adams, O. Jim Smith, R.

S. N. A. J. Burns, L.

S. N. John Groves, R. S. V.

George Naderman, L. S. V. Dick Carlson, musician. The new officers of Salem Rebekah lodge held their first meeting Monday in the Odd Fellows hall with a good attendance.

The standing committees for the current term are: finance committee, Flora Turnbull, Sarah Lee and Edith McElroy; press correspondent, Gwendolyn Hubbard; order committee, Helen McElroy and Jessie Beatty; parliament, Alam Henderson, The Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem met Monday night at the Masonic temple with a pot luck supper at 6:30 o'clock. Toasts were given and stories told by the worthy high priestess, Marie Flint McCall, and the past worthy high priestesses, and past watchmen of shepherds in whose honor a reception was held after the business meetin. Honor guests were Minnie Moeller, Grace Babco*ck, Winifred Herrick, Mabel Settlemeir, Maude Scott, Speer, Hazel Gillette, Gladys Adams, Sam Gillette, W. C. Kantner, William Neimeyer, Arthur Edwards, Charles Ratcliff, Julias Alm.

Carnations were presented to each. The supper and entertainment were in charge of the members from Woodburn, Maude Scott and Gladys Adams, chairmen. The Woman's Benefit association will meet at the K. P. hall Thursday evening at 7:30.

A good attendance is requested. Practice for installation will be held. The Cadena club, sponsored honor its by the local Y. W. C.

A. will members with a reception this evening at 8 o'clock in the lounge rooms of the Y. W. C. persons interested in joining tine group, as well as new and old members, are invited to attend.

Miss Doris Clarke will sing and readings will be given by Mrs. J. F. Weiser, Surprise for M. L.

Lathams Silverton-A very pleasant surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Latham on the occasion of their 70th wedding anniversary, an event of Saturday, January 13, was the visit of their son from San Francisco, Marcus Jr. He will remain several days at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Hugh B. Latham, and with his parents. Members of the family, all of whom were dinner guests at the Hugh B. Latham home, Saturday, returning to their homes, Sunday, were Mrs.

Lena Goble of' Los Angeles, her son, Latham Goble, of Seattle, who celebrated his birthday anniversary, also, Saturday; Miss Louise Latham who returned to Eugene for her work at the university, and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Cone (Elizabeth Latham) of Medford. Scores of callers, telegrams from many states, and lovely gifts were received during Saturday afternoon and made the day a charming memory for Mr. and Mrs.

Latham. Mrs. W. C. Pickens will be hostess 00 the members of the Calvary Baptist Missionary society at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in her home on North 17th street.

Capital Assembly Artisans will hold a pot-luck dinner Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Fraternal temple. The committee in charge includes Miss Anne Harbochek, Mrs. George Dietz and Mrs. Ivan Brown. Following pot -luck dinner a competitive drill team will be organized under the leadership of Captain Art Felth.

A regular business meeting will follow. All members interested are urged to attend. The Junior Artisians will entertain members and guests Thursday night with a birthday party. Games for younger members and dancing for older guests will be the diversions, All members desiring information about the affair are asked to call Mrs. E.

A. Robey. Hal Hibbard Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Greene Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr.

and Mrs. F. A. Burgy and small i daughter Joan of Seattle spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs.

D. B. Jarman. Mrs. E.

S. Burke and daughter, Maurita, of Spokane, who have been the guests of A. J. Andreson for several days, Tuesday morning for San Diego letter they will spend the remainder of the winter visiting atives and friends. Mrs.

Burke is a sister of Mr. Anderson. Hayesville-Coming as a complete surprise to their many friends was the marriage Saturday, January of Virginia Stefani of Oregon City and Clarence (Andy) Andresen, of this community. The young couple were married in Vancouver. Mrs.

Andresen is the of Mr. and Mrs. John Bushman, formerly of Oregon City but who have just recently moved to Salem; and Mr. Andresen is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.

P. N. Andresen having lived in Hayesville a large portion of her life, The Woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet at the home of Mrs. G.

A. Wood, 2070 South High street, on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Monmouth- Faculty Wives club pleasingly entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. F.

Santee. Needlework and visiting passed the time. The afternoon was concluded with a tea at which time Mrs. V. V.

Caldwell ASsisted the hostess. Present were Mrs. J. S. Landers, Mrs.

L. Forbes, Mrs. Stebbins, Mrs. E. F.

Barrows, Mrs. F. R. Bowersox, Mrs. A.

S. Jenson, Mrs. H. Dodds, Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs.

Santee. Mrs. Caldwell who is a guest in Monmouth from Idaho, was a Faculty Wives Entertained guest of the club, Mrs. Bowersox will be the next club hostess at her home on East Main street. The executive board of the local American Association of University Women will meet at the home of Miss Dorothea Steusloff this eve ning at 8 o'clock.

Writers' Section 'At Thayer Home The Writers' section of the Salem Arts league was entertained with an interesting affair in the home of Mrs. Claudius Thayer on North Capitol street Tuesday evening. A program of creative work was presented. Miss Genevieve Thayer, accompanied by Louis Magin, sang several solos. At a late hour supper was served with Miss Helen Lytle and Miss Renska Swart assisting.

Those present were Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin, Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Clifford, Prof. and Mrs.

M. E. Peck, Mrs. William Fordyce Fargo, Mrs. Ora F.

McIntyre, Mrs. Jessie Singleton, Mrs. Blanche Jones, Mrs. Jaunita Paulus, Dr. Mary Rowland, Mrs.

W. D. Smith, Mrs. C. A.

Lytle, Miss Helen Lytle, Miss Grace Elisabeth Miss Renska Swart, Miss Grace Gilliam and Perry, Jones Reigelman. will be hostess to the group in her home on South Church street on Tuesday, February 6. Matrons Honor Leisure Hour Club Members of the Leisure Hour club were entertained informally Wednesday afternoon at the C. S. Hamilton, home Mrs.

on Hamilton, North Front Mrs. Max O. Buren and Mrs. Charles Weller acting as hostesses. Tea was served in the late afternoon.

Those bidden included Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. D. A. Hodge, Mrs.

Fry, Mrs. Kittie Graver, Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mrs.

W. D. Clarke, Mrs. R. E.

Lee Steiner, Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mrs. C. A.

Park, Mrs. Mrs. D. B. Jarman, George Pearce, Mrs.

J. Clements, Mrs. Seymour Jones, Mrs. U. G.

Shipley, Mrs. J. H. Bevoridge Mrs. Willis Moore, Miss Oda, Chapman, and the hostesses, Mrs.

Mrs. Max O. Buren and Mrs. C. S.

HamIlton. War Mothers Meet Tuesday The social meeting of the American War Mothers was held Tuesday afternoon at the American Lutheran church with a large attendance. Mrs. Matilda Nadon, president, announced that Mrs. Mary Rauch would be the chairman in charge of these meetings during the year.

Mrs. Rauch opened the program by giving the origin or birth of the "Star Spangled Banner" referred to President Roosevelt's birthday on January 30 and of the movement by him toward endowing the Warm Springs, resort by giving balls throughout the United States. Replies to Christmas letters sent to ex-service men in the institutions were read and musical numbers were given, including several ensemble numbers by the Misses Bremmer and Miss Snyder of the Sacred heart academy, and pianoaccordion selections by Herman Domogalla. Mrs. Nadon unfolded plans n- terest for the coming year and announced the following appoint ments: Corresponding secretary, Mrs.

Ada anda Skiff; Mollencop; color bearers, Mrs. sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. AmMinnie Humphreys and Mrs. Ida Traglio; auditor and parlimentardan, Mrs. Marguerite Elliott.

Committees appointed were: Magazine, Mrs. Mabel A. Lockwood; welfare and child welfare, Mrs. Sarah Peterson; hospitalization, Mrs. May Salisbury; relief, Mrs.

Addie Curtis; memory tree-emblems-markers-Mrs. Carrie Beechler; legislation Americanization, Mrs. Emilie Lizbeth Hendricks; Waters; Gold prison, Star, Mrs. Nettie Myers; finance and membership, Mrs. Myrtle Littlefield, Mrs.

Effie Mudd and Mrs. Addie Mills; funerals and visiting, Mrs. Jennie Martin; social, Mrs. Mary Rauch, Mrs. Sarah Hobson and Mrs.

Rse Hagadorn; flowers, Mrs. Linnie Lee. The rooms were decorated with flags and greenery. At the closing hour refreshments were served by Mrs. Clara Farmer and Mrs.

Mary Rauch pouring, assisted by Mrs. Emilie Hendricks, Mrs. Laura George, Mrs. Katherine Bernardi, Mrs. Susie Balderec and Mrs.

Sarah Hobson. Surprise Party Gay Event Mt. Angel-Mrs. Lawrence Thomwas hostess at a surprise birthday as party honoring her husband Sunday evening at their home. The guests played "500" during the eevning with high score prize won by Nick Richter.

Other prizes were won by Mrs. Eugene Hoffer and Miss Anna Richter. Luncheon was served at late hour by the hostess. Those present to honor Mr. ThomAs included Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Hetterscheid, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hoffer, Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Brodesser, Misses Agnes Hetterscheid, Anna Richter, Anne Wachter, Anne Wavra, John Schmitz, Joseph Hetterscheid, Lawrence, and Albert Schmitz and Nick Richter. The Faculty Women's club meeting which was to have been held at the home of Dr. Helen Pearce on Thursday, has been cancelled due of the illness of C. C. Clark.

GLASSES Double Your Efficiency They relieve you of the nerv. ous tension caused by strain and abolish headaches from the same source. Your efficiency and energy will be doubled with corrected vision POMEROY KEENE 379 STATE ST SALEM DIRECTOR JOHN STARK EVANS director of the Eugene Gleemen, who will appear in a Boy Scout benefit program at the armory Friday night. Miss Helene Koke To Wed Friday University circles are interested in the approaching marriage Helene Koke, daughter of Mr. Mrs.

Joseph H. Koke of Eugene, and Francis Samuel Gates cf Portland, which will be solemnized Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock at St. Francis parish house, Portland. Father James Maxwell will read the service. Miss Koke will be attended by her sister, Miss Gertrude Koke and Captain Burroughs of Pearson Field will be the best man.

Miss Koke is a graduate of the University of Oregon and a member of Kappa Delta sorority. She has been employed in social welfare work in Portland for several years. Silver Tea Event of Thursday Important on the social calendar for Thursday afternoon is the lovely silver tea which is being planned by women of the First Congregational church, Mrs. W. E.

Hanson will be hostess for the affair at her home, 820 North Church street, and calling hours will be from 2 until o'clock. Mrs. John J. Roberts, who recently returned from several years' residence abroad, will speak to the group. An invitation is extended to the public.

The Three Link club met for their regular business and social afternoon Friday in the club rooms of the Odd Fellows hall. The new ofsie Moored, vice-president; Evelyn ficers, Ardona Pratt, president: Bremmer, secretary-treasurer, were in charge of the meeting. The committee of Edith McElroy, Carrie Jennings and Alma Henderson served refreshments. Tables were decorated with red carnations and greenery. The members of the Salem Arts League committee on the Oregon State Art Museum association will meet in the lounge room of the state office building on Saturday evening o'clock, Fifty members are registered and all are urged to attend.

SOLOIST GEORGE BISHOP baritone, who will appear as soloist with the Eugene Gleemen when they appear here in concert Friday evening, January 19. Betrothal Revealed Betrothal Revealed The home of Mrs. Carl T. Pope was the scene of a smartly arranged affair for members of the debutante set Saturday evening when Miss Helen Rosebraugh entertained informally. At the supper hour the engagement of Miss Margaret Rosebraugh and Bruce Cooley was announced and the wedding date, February 14, disclosed.

The engagement was announced at the supper hour with small scrolls bearing the names of the betrothed couples hidden in the dessert. Both Miss Rosebraugh and her fiance attended Salem schools. The bride-elect is a sister of Mrs. Carl T. Pope and makes her home with Mr.

and Mrs. S. P. Kimball, Mr. Cooley is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. E. W. Cooley. The wedding will be solemnized at 4:30 o'clock in the First Christian church.

Bridge was the diversion of the evening, with honors going to Miss Betty Bonnell. the supper hour Miss Jane Robinson assisted. Those bidden were Miss Helen Worth, Miss Marjorie Powers, of Portland, Miss Evelyn Miss Dorothea Corey, Miss Rose Peterson, Miss Wanda McHargue, Miss Alice Speck, Miss Velma Ross, Miss Ruth Melson, Miss Betty Bonnetl, Miss Margaret Hauser, Miss Cathrin Headrick, Miss Eleanor Henderson, Miss Lois Riggs, Miss Margaret Rosebraugh, Miss Helen Rosebraugh and Mrs. Carl T. Pope, The South Circle of the First Christian church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

C. F. Riley on South Liberty street, with Mrs. Penny and Mrs. Mauk acting hostesses.

Mrs. W. H. Gardner, president of the group, presided at the business meeting. About twenty matrons were present as well as seven special guests and four new members.

Mrs. Dave Greig entertained at a dinner Sunday in honor of her husband, whose birthday occasion celebrated. Bidden to the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pade, Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Greig of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Greig, Vernon Greig, Miss Joy Greig and Mr. and Mrs.

Dave Greig. Mothers, Mix This At Home, For Bad Coughs Quicker, Lasting Relief. Big Saving! No Cooking! Here's an old home remedy your mother knew, but, for real results, it is still the best thing ever known for severe coughs. Try it once, and you'll swear by it. It's no trouble at all.

Make a syrup by stirring 2 cups of granulated sugar and one cup of water a few moments, until dissolved. No cooking is needed--a child could do it. Now put ounces of Pinex into a I Mt. Angel-Mr, and Mrs. Leo Buchheit were dinner hosts at their home Sunday.

Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ingles and children, David, Andrew and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ritter and daugh (Additional Society on Page 9) I bottle, your syrup. Thi gives full pint of actually better cough remedy than you could buy res dy-made for four times the money.

keeps perfectly, tastes fine, and lasts family a long time. And there is positively nothing like it for quick action. You can feel it take hold instantly. It loosens the laden phlegm, soothes and heals the in flamed membranes, and clears the aft passages. No cough remedy, at and price, could be more effective.

Pinex is a compound of Norway Pine, in concentrated form, famous a healing agent for throat and bron chial membranes. It is guaranteed to please you, or money refunded. New! This Morning Georgette Crepe DRESSES In plain colors with the new high colored sleeve treatments. THE VERY LATEST STYLE You had better be among the first to get here because they are priced at only 5.85 and 7.85 SWAGGER SUITS FOR SPRING New Materials, New Styles, New Workmanship Nez Spring Hats Just unpacked We can't begin to tell you about them-but they're here at theGREATER SHIPLEY'S SHIPLEY'8 FOR SHIPLEY FOR SHOES HOSE STORE ole use" This young wife thought romance had fled UNTIL LATER JUST A LITTLE SOMETHING TO KNOW IT, MY DEAR, SHOW HOW THIS HUSBAND BUT TOM SEEMS SO DEAR CHILD, BUT PERSPIRATION AUNT ALICE IS RIGHT-- AND APPRECIATES HIS CHARMING AUNT MIGHT I VENTURE ODOR IN UNDER EVEN A BUSY WIFE CAN OH, TOM, WIFE ALICE WORK, sO A HINT OH, AUNT ALICE, THINGS MAKES ANY INDIFFERENT, I HAVE BEEN TAKE A MINUTE OR TWO WHAT' HARD KEEP THE CARELESS THAT WIFE. SEEM UN- TO LUX UNDIES EACH BEAUTIFUL HOUSE SPICK- AND- WAY? I DIDN'T WHEN ROMANTIC.

WIN RISK IT DAY- LUX TAKES AWAY SOON ROSES SPAN BUT REALIZE LUX IS SO EASY? PERSPIRATION ODOR, YET THEY'RE OH, WHAT'S THE OF WAS OFFEND SAVES COLORS 50 SWEET USE ING TOM'S ATTITUDE CHANGESAvoid offending shrank. Protect daintiness this easy way fade colors Underthings absorb perspiration odor- Woot colers underthings No girl need ever be guilty of cake-soap rubbing and soaps Removes perspiration odor perspiration odor in under- containing harmful alkali LUX things. completely Lux and takes it colors! away that harmful fades alkali. colors. Lux Anything has no Saves colors saves And it's so casy.

But do avoid safe in water is safe in Lux. fine.

The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)


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