Amos 2:4-16 - G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition (2024)

Table of Contents
Adam Clarke Bible Commentary Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary Annotated Bible by A.C. Gaebelein Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges Charles Box Commentaries College Press Bible Study Textbook Series Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries ETCBC data on Hebrew bible Expositor's Bible Commentary (Nicoll) Frederick Brotherton Meyer's Commentary Geneva Study Bible Commentary George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary Hawker's Poor man's commentary Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly John Calvin's Bible Commentary John Darby's Synopsis John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible John Trapp Complete Commentary Joseph Benson’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible Patchworkid's Personal Study Bible Notes Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible Scofield's Bible Commentary Summarized Bible Commentary Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments The Biblical Illustrator The Biblical Illustrator The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary The Pulpit Commentaries Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Wesley's Explanatory Notes FAQs References
  • Adam Clarke Bible Commentary

    Verse Amos 2:4. _FOR THREE TRANSGRESSIONS OF JUDAH_] We may take the_three_ and _four_ here to any latitude; for this people lived incontinual hostility to their God, from the days of _David_ to the...

  • Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary

    FOR THREE TRANSGRESSIONS OF JUDAH ETC. - Rup.: “Here too there is nodifference of Jew and Gentile. The word of God, a just judge, sparethno man’s person. whom sin joins in one, the sentence of the J...

  • Annotated Bible by A.C. Gaebelein

    CHAPTER 2_ 1. Moab (Amos 2:1) _2. Judah (Amos 2:4)3. Israel (Amos 2:6)Amos 2:1. So fierce was the hatred of Moab that they dishonored the bo

  • Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible

    AMOS 2:4 F. JUDAH. The genuineness has been questioned by a number ofscholars. It is urged that the thought and language are characteristicof the late prophetic school. If the passage is genuine, Ju...

  • Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

    BECAUSE. DESPISED, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 26:14;Leviticus 26:43). App-92.COMMANDMENTS. statutes.THEIR LIES. their idols. Compare 2 Kings 17:15.

  • Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

    _despised_ R.V. REJECTED, as 1 Samuel 15:23; 1 Samuel 15:26; Isaiah7:15-16 shew, the better rendering of the Hebrew word used (_mâ"as_):comp....

  • Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

    JUDAH. The prophet now comes nearer home; and passes sentence on theSouthern kingdom....

  • Charles Box Commentaries

    _THE TRANSGRESSIONS OF JUDAH -- AMOS 2:4-5:_ Judah, the people of Godhad despised and rejected His word so they heard the same statement,"For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not...

  • College Press Bible Study Textbook Series

    THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD AND RESPONSIBILITY OF MANPUNISHMENT PROMISED, THE COVENANT NATIONSJUDAHTEXT: Amos 2:4-54Thus saith Jehovah: For three transgressions of Judah, yea, for four,I will not t...

  • Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

    Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Judah, and for four,I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they havedespised the law of the LORD, and have not kept his commandments,...

  • Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible

    THE SINS OF ISRAEL'S NEIGHBOURS AND THE PUNISHMENTS WHICH SHOULDFOLLOW1. We may paraphrase the main part of the sentence thus: 'The words ofAmos, describing what he saw in prophetic vision.'HERDM...

  • EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries

    THE MAN WITH A DIFFICULT MESSAGE FROM GODAMOS_MARK KIRKPATRICK_CHAPTER 2PUNISHMENT FOR MOAB’S PEOPLEV1 This is what the *Lord says: ‘I will certainly punish the peoplein Moab for their man...

  • ETCBC data on Hebrew bible

    כֹּ֚ה אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה עַל ־שְׁלֹשָׁה֙פִּשְׁעֵ֣י...

  • Expositor's Bible Commentary (Nicoll)

    ATROCITIES AND ATROCITIESAmos 1:3 - Amos 2:1LIKE all the prophets of Israel, Amos receives oracles for foreignnations. Unlike them, however, he arranges these oracles not after,but before, his in...

  • Frederick Brotherton Meyer's Commentary

    JUDAH SHALL BE JUDGED ALSOAmos 1:11-15; Amos 2:1-5_Edom_ was Esau; that is, the people were closely akin to Israel;perhaps for that very reason the hatred on either side became more andmore invet...

  • Geneva Study Bible Commentary

    Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Judah, and for four,(b) I will not turn away [the punishment] thereof; because they havedespised the law of the LORD, and have not kept his commandme...

  • George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary

    _Walked. After Solomon, scarcely a good prince appeared, till the daysof Amos. Juda imitated the idolatry of Israel, hoping thus to findassistance. (Calmet) --- His crime was the more grievous, as t...

  • Hawker's Poor man's commentary

    Judah comes now before the Lord's tribunal, and though for a whileseparated from Israel, yet not from Israel's God. We find the Lordhimself speaking of both by the Prophet, under one and the samech...

  • Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly

    Lectures on the Minor Prophets.W. Kelly."The words of Amos, who was among the herdmen of Tekoa, which he sawconcerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the daysof Jeroboam the...

  • John Calvin's Bible Commentary

    Amos turns now his discourse to the tribe of Judah, and to thatkingdom, which still continued in the family of David. He has hithertospoken of heathen and uncircumcised nations: what he said of them...

  • John Darby's Synopsis

    THE FOLLOWING COMMENTARY COVERS CHAPTER S 1 AND 2.In the outset Jehovah, proclaiming His own rights from the place ofHis own throne, roars from Zion and utters His voice from Jerusalem.Afterwards,...

  • John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible

    THUS SAITH THE LORD, FOR THREE TRANSGRESSIONS OF JUDAH,.... With whomBenjamin must be joined; for the two tribes are meant as distinct fromthe ten tribes, under the name of Israel, following. The pr...

  • John Trapp Complete Commentary

    Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Judah, and for four,I will not turn away [the punishment] thereof; because they havedespised the law of the LORD, and have not kept his commandments,...

  • Joseph Benson’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

    _For three transgressions of Judah_, &c. Having denounced judgmentsagainst the heathen nations, he now proceeds to denounce them againstGod's professing people, who were more guilty and inexcusable,...

  • Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible

    Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Judah, and for four,the southern kingdom being named here in order to have a full list ofthe countries adjoining Israel, I WILL NOT TURN AWAY THE PUN...

  • Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible


  • Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible

    1-8 The evil passions of the heart break out in various forms; butthe Lord looks to our motives, as well as our conduct. Those that dealcruelly, shall be cruelly dealt with. Other nations were reck...

  • Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible

    God hath in the former verses threatened the enemies of his people fortheir outrages against his people; now he does threaten his people fortheir obstinacy in reiterated sins: see AMOS 4:3. DESPISED...

  • Patchworkid's Personal Study Bible Notes

    Amos 2:4 says H559 (H8804) LORD H3068 three H7969 transgressions H6588Judah H3063 four H702 away H7725 ...

  • Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible

    7). YHWH'S JUDGMENT ON JUDAH (AMOS 2:4).But while ‘YHWH's people' no doubt prided themselves on beingsuperior morally to those round about, they were now to discover totheir horror that they too wo...

  • Scofield's Bible Commentary

    FOR THREEThe judgments on Judah and Israel were fulfilled as to Judah in the 70years' captivity; as to Israel (the northern kingdom) in theworld-wide dispersion which still continues....

  • Summarized Bible Commentary

    CONTENTS: Judgments pronounced upon Judah, Moab and Israel.CHARACTERS: God, Amos.CONCLUSION: To keep not the commandments of God's Word, making noconscience of them, is to despise the wisdom, jus...

  • Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

    Amos 2:2. _Kirioth,_ a city of Moab, having palaces. Jeremiah 48:24.Amos 2:6. _For three transgressions of Israel._ This phrase, explainedin Amos 1:3, is repeate

  • The Biblical Illustrator

    _Thus saith the Lord: For three transgressions of Judah, and for four,I will not turn away the punishment thereof._NATIONAL SINS AND NATIONAL PUNISHMENTThe British nation, like the kingdom of Juda...

  • The Biblical Illustrator

    _I will not turn away the punishment thereof._GOD’S DEALING WITH NATIONSI. The opportunity for repentance which all possess. The punishment ofthe six heathen nations, as of Judah and Israel, opens...

  • The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes

    AMOS—NOTE ON AMOS 2:4 Unlike the other nations, JUDAH is not judgedfor inhumanity to others. It is judged according to THE LAW OF THELORD ...

  • The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary

    CRITICAL NOTES.] BONES] An act of cruelty revenged; others, an insultto the remains of a dead king, probably the king joined in alliancewith Jehoshaphat and Jehoram (2 Kings 3:9).AMOS 2:2. KIR.] A...

  • The Pulpit Commentaries

    EXPOSITIONAMOS 2:1Judgment on Moab.AMOS 2:1MOAB. The prophet now denounces the other nation connected by ties ofblood with Israel (see on Amos 1:13). Moab's hostility

  • Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith

    Let's turn now to the book of Amos. In the first verse of Amos heintroduces himself.These are the words of Amos, who was among the herdmen [or a shepherd]at Tekoa (Amos 1:1),Now Tekoa is a little...

  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

    1 Peter 1:18; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; 2 Chronicles 30:7; 2 Chronicles36:14;...

  • Wesley's Explanatory Notes

    Lies — Idols. To err — Their idolatry blinded them, partly fromthe natural tendency of this sin, and partly from the just judgment ofGod. After which — Idols. Walked — Successively, one generationa...

  • Amos 2:4-16 - G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition (2024)


    What does Amos 2 4 16 mean? ›

    Bible Study Ideas and Commentary for Amos 2:4-16

    They had the thankless task of telling a people that God was about to judge them for their many sins. And nobody listened. This week, the focus is on their sins of oppression and exploitation.

    What is Amos 2 talking about? ›

    The book contains prophecies attributed to the prophet Amos. This chapter contains his prophecies regarding God's judgment against Moab, Judah, and Israel, following a pattern established in chapter 1.

    What was Amos preaching about? ›

    He showed the causal connection between human sin and divine retribution. Although people can suffer without sinning, they cannot sin without suffering. Amos drove home his conclusion: “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets” (3:7).

    What does Amos 4 2 explain? ›

    Amos 4:1–2 Portrays God's People Ignoring the Poor and the Needy. You see the picture of people who had so much stuff, who were enjoying all the things this world has to offer while turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the poor and the needy around them.

    How is the fruit of righteousness sown? ›

    James 3:18 Amplified Bible (AMP)

    And the seed whose fruit is righteousness (spiritual maturity) is sown in peace by those who make peace [by actively encouraging goodwill between individuals].

    What is the main lesson of Amos? ›

    Through Amos' words, we can still hear the call to learn from Israel's hypocrisy and the disastrous consequences of their sins. It's a call to embrace the true worship of God that should always lead to justice, righteousness, and loving our neighbor. That's what the book of Amos is all about.

    What is the major message of Amos? ›

    The message of Amos lands on the global church today with as much force and necessity as it landed on the people of God 2,700 years ago. The key idea in Amos is that God is just and impartial and will judge not only the nations but also his own people for their life of ease and apathy amid human suffering.

    What is the main idea of Amos? ›

    The messages of Amos insist that God's relationship with people includes all of their lives. Amos insists that because of injustice and oppression, God's anger has been provoked and judgment will come. The judgment that Amos announced was not a final judgment, but a part of God's relationship with the people.

    Why is the book of Amos important today? ›

    Over the years, not only has the book of Amos become an inspiration for contemporary struggles against social oppression and injustice, the life and ministry of the prophet himself has become a model for pastors/prophets and crusaders of justice and righteousness today.

    What were the major teachings of Amos? ›

    The prophet is characterized as speaking against an increased disparity between the wealthy and the poor with themes of justice, God's omnipotence, and divine judgment. The Book of Amos is attributed to him.

    What is the purpose of the Amos prophecy? ›

    Amos warned of the judgments that were about to come upon the people of Israel because they had rejected the prophets. Additionally, Amos emphasized “the moral character of Jehovah, the righteous ruler of all nations and men.

    What did Jesus mean when he said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness? ›

    Hungry, thirsty people work hard, urgently, to gain food. To hunger and thirst for righteousness, then, means we should urgently pursue righteousness. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” is then the pivotal beatitude (Matt. 5:6).

    What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness for kids? ›

    “To thirst after righteousness means wanting to live according to God's will instead of the world's,” says Kristen, 10. “This is the only way to be happy and filled. If you thirst after righteousness, God will bless you.

    What does the Lord I believe help thou mine unbelief mean? ›

    By his grace, we can trust at deeper levels. As Jessica Brodie says in “Nine Ways “Help My Unbelief” is a Powerful Prayer,” this petition reminds us that God is mightier than the world and greater than our doubts. This story teaches us that doubt is not a bad thing.

    What does saving strength of his anointed mean? ›

    He states that the Lord is their strength and the salvation of their king. This reference to "the saving refuge of his anointed" implies that those whom God chooses, He also protects. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in God's promise to send a Messiah (Isaiah 9:6–7; 2 Samuel 7:16).


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    Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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    Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

    Birthday: 1995-01-14

    Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

    Phone: +6812240846623

    Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

    Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

    Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.